Chemical Properties of Sosei Paper Made from SPWS and BWS, and Fundamental Study on Growth Test of Green Pakchoi

Masahito Yamauchi*, Nagisa Kiyomoto**, Tokio Hirata*, Yasushi Matsufuji***, Sumio Masuda****, Yuji Maeno*, Kenjiro Yoneyama***** and Masataka Hanashima***
* Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kagoshima National College of Technology
** Kagoshima Prefecture Agriculture Experiment Station
*** Dept. of Civil Engineering, Fukuoka University
**** Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Miyazaki University
***** Aship co., Ltd.

+ Correspondence should be addressed to Masahito Yamauchi:
(1460-1 Shinko, Hayato-cho, Aira-gun, Kagoshima 899-5102 Japan)

The chemical properties of sweet potato sosei paper and barley sosei paper were determined by the ratio of N, P2O5, K2O, and C in each sosei paper. A mineralization test of organic nitrogen was carried out under 30*C[Celsius degeree] the condition in the dark, keeping the moisture content at 60% of the maximum water capacity in the soils. Furthermore, this research was applied to the growth test of Green Pakchoi in a pot made of sosei paper.
Results clarified the following:
Mineralization patterns of both types of sosei paper show similar changes, but the content of NO3[-N varies with the elapsed time.
In the Green Pakchoi growth test using a pot made of sosei paper, the plant absorbed components of the sosei paper, which proved to be effective as a fertilizer.
N.B. sosei paper ('sosei' means 'reborn')
SPWS (sweet potato waste stillage)
BWS (barley waste stillage)

Key words: waste stillage from shochu distillery, chemical properties, mineralization test, Green Pakchoi growth test, effective utilization