Proximate Analysis, Heat Measurement and Elemental Analysis of Waste

Nobuhisa Watanabe*
* Osaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences
(8-34 Tohjoh-cho, Ten-nohji-ku, Osaka-city, 543-0026 Japan)

The general aspect of waste composition analysis consisting of proximate analysis, heat measurement and elemental analysis has been presented. The definition and usage of terms was clarified, accordingly all terms should be combined with their respective units. Empirical data of proximate composition (%) and heat value (kcal/kg) for individual constituents were introduced, which made it possible to predict waste property from a simple physical composition. The method of analysis of hydrogen and carbon is well established, however, determination of chlorine and sulfur in the waste matrix is under current research, as the analytical result can differ depending on the employed method.

Key words: Waste composition, heat measurement, elemental analysis, chlorine, sulfur