The Recycling of Construction Sludge

Hiroyuki Sakamoto*, Hiroyuki Yamamoto** and Tadashi Oohara***
* Productive Technology Department Civil Engineering Division, Fujita Co.
** Environmental Engineering Department, Kajima Technical Research Institute
*** Environmental Protection Department, Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd
+ Correspondence should be addressed to Hiroyuki Sakamoto:
(8-10, Sendagaya 5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 Japan)

For the purpose of the promoting of construction sludge utilization, THE CONSTRUCTION SLUDGE RECYCLING GUIDELINE was issued in November, 1999. Through the addition of recent information the following are introduced in respect of this guideline: Approach, legal system and improvement technology concerning the recycling of construction sludge.
As one approach toward the recycling of construction sludge, the following are shown: Definition of construction sludge and outline of property, etc.. There are personal utilization, compensation sale and reproduction use systems which comprise a legal system for utilization, and explanations and utilization cases were shown. And, Quality Division and Applicable Standard of Uses of the improved construction sludge in order to effectively utilize it are shown, and approach is described. Various improvement technologies were shown, and an approach for selection was shown. Based on these situations, the following were described for a legal system and recycling technology: Problems, including the problem in which the recycling of the construction sludge stagnates.

Key words: construction sludge, recycle, legal system, Construction Sludge Recycling Guideline, Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law