Green Purchasing and Eco-Money

--Future Perspective of Recycling-Based Socioeconomic System--
Ken Morishita
Eco-Management Institute
(1-9 Minami Tairadai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0036 Japan)

An ongoing capitalist economy can be considered that it is based on mass production, mass consumption, mass disposal, specifically, it is "One-way socioeconomic system" . This capitalist economy includes various "market failures" and does not succeed in establishing a recycling-based socioeconomic system under limited resources and global environmental capacity. One of the keys to establishing a new socioeconomic system is dependent on the state of green purchasing and eco-money, which must be developed and enhanced.

Key words: one-way socioeconomic system, market failure under a capitalist system, environmental business administration, eco-efficiency, green purchasing eco-money