The Problems of "The Home Electric Appliances Law" & "The Containers and Packaging Law" and the Subject of Recycling Laws

Kazuki Kumamoto
Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
(1518 Kamikurata-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama Japan)

The Japanese Government is zealously creating a recycling society. "The Containers and Packaging Law" was enacted in 1995. "The Home Electric Appliances Law" was enacted in 1998. Furthermore in 2000 "The Fundamental Law for Promoting Recycling Society" and five laws related to it were enacted.
However these laws guide a recycling society in quite the wrong direction, because they distort Extended Producer Responsibility, which is a worldwide trend, and avoid the responsibility of producers as much as possible. This distortion shifts the burden onto municipalities and citizens.
These laws will create recycling industries that rely on tax and consumers' direct payments, resulting in a flood of low quality and expensive recycled goods, and illegal dumping. Illegally dumped goods will cause pollution of private forests all over Japan.
The key point for correcting the direction of a recycling society is to realize Extended Producer Responsibility and internalize recycling cost into the price of products.

Key words: Extended Producer Responsibility, internalizing external cost, creating recycling industries by tax, low quality and expensive recycled goods, illegal dumping