Recycling Laws from the Viewpoint of citizens

Ikuko Haga
Consumer and Citizen Group
(1-43-4 Wakamiya, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165-0033 Japan)

We watch, with hopes, how a law is made. In the course of its formation, however, we always see it deviate from its initial direction desirable for citizens under pressures of other ministries, agencies and industries concerned. When it is finally under deliberations in the Diet, some lawmakers ask questions without good understanding of lectures given by the ministry or agency which wants to get the bill passed. Is it impossible to put our hopes on statutes fashioned with party interests? I point out just a few problems of the Container and Packaging Recycling Law, the Electric Home Appliances Recycling Law, and the Food Recycling Law. Instead of examining each of them, I would rather like to think how we should apply them in order to make our daily life more considerate toward the environment and to build a sustainable society with less heavy burdens left on future generations.

Key words: sustainable society, recycling law