Factors in Backyard Burning Behavior Under Variable Rate Program on Residential Solid Waste

Hajime Yamakawa*, Takahiro Kamishita** and Yutaka Terashima***
* Faculty of Human Environment, Kyoto Prefectural University
** Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., Oveseas Consulting Administration
*** Faculty of Human Environment, Osaka Sangyo University
+ Correspondence should be addressed to Hajime Yamakawa:
(1-5 Shimogamo-Hangi-Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8522 Japan)

In this study, as the basis for a policy to discourage backyard burning of household waste, a casual chain model of backyard burning behavior was devised from the standpoint of basic attributes, environmental deterioration and waste reduction. The determinants of the backyard burning behavior were then analyzed. The study found four psychological factors contributing to backyard burning behavior: 1) belief in its effectiveness in reducing waste; 2) belief that backyard burning is a social norm; 3) attitude toward the backyard burning problem; and 4) assessment of the cost of the behavior. These factors had a significant influence on propensity to engage in backyard burning behavior, notwithstanding the influence of the type of residence, farm ownership, number of years resident. Based on the above results, three proposals were made for the control of backyard burning as follows: 1) to build waste reduction systems for recyclable paper and package and packaging waste, and publicize the effectiveness of these systems, 2) to provide information on the problem of backyard burning precisely, 3) to encourage residents' agreement to suppress burning in every community.

Key words: backyard burning, psychological factors, variable rates, environment-conscious behavior