Factors in Waste Reduction Through Variable Rate Programs

Hajime Yamakawa*, Kazuhiro Ueta** and Yutaka Terashima***
* Faculty of Human Environment, Kyoto Prefectural University
** Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
*** Faculty of Human Environment, Osaka Sangyo University
+ Correspondence should be addressed to Hajime Yamakawa:
(1-5 Shimogamo-Hangi-Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8522 Japan)

In this study, we analyzed the determinants of waste reduction through variable rate programs. The major conclusions of the study are as follows:
1) The main factors in combustible waste reduction through variable rate programs are two-tier pricing and the price of waste bags. The introduction of waste paper recycling simultaneously with variable rate programs also significantly influenced waste reduction for the year in which they were introduced.
2) Even where the influence of high prices of waste bags is excluded, two-tier pricing programs are shown to promote waste reduction.
3) Waste paper recycling and variable rate programs reinforce each other to promote waste reduction.

Key words: variable rates, waste reduction, waste paper collection, two-tier pricing, price of waste bag