Systematizing of Waste Management Planning

Tohru Furuichi
Division of Environmental Resource Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
(Kita 13, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-8628 Japan)

Moving in the new direction of a "recycling-based society," the haphazard program that is now in place does not correspond to modern changes and recent social changes with regard to waste management planning. A social consensus regarding waste management must be established to reflect changes in the social environment and the needs of the country. Social management systems for waste management based on social consensus, must be built into waste management planning theories. In this paper, the idea of controlling the flow and conversion of materials is looked at from the perspective of the entire life cycle, from the source to recycling and the final waste disposal. In order to establish a system it is expected that the waste management plan will be problematic with varying levels of limitations and many restrictive conditions. The systems approach method is effective in solving such complex and troublesome problems in a concrete way. Hence, the systems approach method has been applied to the "ecological recycling-based society" defined in this paper as an example for systemizing waste management planning in such a society.

Key words: waste management planning, systematizing, recycling-based society, life cycle, environmental education/learning