Policy of Waste Reduction and Resource Recovery through Waste Management Planning

Osamu Hashimoto
The Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Service Corporation
(3-7-1 keihinnjima otaku Tokyo, 143-0003 Japan
Keihinnjima Incombustible Waste Processing Center)

The realization of a Recycle-based society that supports sustainable development has currently become a topic of great importance. In order to create such a society, there must be a public system that incorporates regulations on waste production and strategies for the circulation of materials.
A waste management plan should not only aim to develop an appropriate plan for the disposal of waste after it has been generated, but should also be sure to include measures for dealing with waste at the resource-recovery and production levels. It is necessary therefore to create changes in the total social structure and in the lifestyle patterns of the public. This can be done through strategies that involve changes at the economic, political, and social levels. Currently the Basic Act for the Establishment of a Recycle-based Society went into enactment, and there has been a marked rise in awareness of waste issues by society and individuals, as well as significant advancements in waste reduction and resource recovery.

Key words: Recycle-based society, waste management planning, waste reduction, resource-recovery