Waste Management Plan as an Exemplary Project to be Conducted by Local Governments

Mitsuyoshi Nishikawa
Managing Director, Kankyougiken Consultant Co., Ltd.
(3-14-4 Miyako-Cho, Chuoku, Chiba, 260-0001 Japan)

The following significant trends regarding waste management and treatment strategies must be taken into consideration: 1) Networking between various projects; 2) Changes in social attitudes about the environment; 3) Extension of waste treatment areas; 4) Participation of citizens in planning; and 5) Position of local governments. The content of these points are indispensable to the creation of a waste management plan, and are explained in detail in this study. In addition, the PFI system which has been introduced with regard to waste management procedures, is also explained. Some examples of where it has been introduced, its merits, points for consideration, and feasibility studies for its introduction are included.

Key words: waste management plan, public/citizen participation, introduction of PFI, feasibility studies for PFI