Implementing the Soil Pollution Control Law

Hideto Yoshida
Ministry of Environment, Water Environment Department,
Soil Environment Management Division
(1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8975 Japan)

The increasing occurrence of soil pollution by hazardous materials has created social concern about health hazards, and has prompted public action regarding the problem of soil pollution.
In order to maintain the safety of citizens, the Soil Pollution Control Law was approved on May 22, 2002 and issued on May 29, 2002. The Law urges soil pollution investigations and controls in order to minimize human health risks.
After the promulgation of various related decrees, the Soil Pollution Control Law was finally put into effect on February 15, 2003.
In this paper, the main concepts introduced by this Law are summarized. The technical aspects concerning its implementation are also presented here, along with possible future directions.

Key words: soil pollution control, soil pollution investigation, soil leaching standards, soil content standards, recovery of pollution