Soil Pollution and Remediation Technologies of Japan

Tatemasa Hirata
Department of Environmental Systems, Faculty of Systems
Engineering, Wakayama University
(930 Sakaedani, Wakayama City, Wakayama, 640-8510 Japan)

The Soil Pollution Control Law will be put into effect in February 2003. The most distinct feature of the new law will be the cutting off of routes that directly lead to the contamination of soil and groundwater for drinking, consequently reducing human health risks. In addition to soil remediation, wide ranging measures like soil covering and pavement, in-situ chemical treatment, enclosure, etc., may be incorporated as risk reduction tools for contaminated soil control. Even with the adoption of these risk reduction tools, however, various sorts of contaminants remain in the in-situ soil environment. The basic concept for contaminated soil control is the removal and detoxification of contaminants from the in-situ soil environment. From this environmental point of view, the paper describes stages of development and practical application of remediation technologies.

Key words: Soil Pollution Control Law, soil pollution, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, remediation technologies