ySpecial Issues: Examination of the Optimal State of a Recycling System and Technologyz
Current Situation of Plastic Container and Other Waste Recycling
Kazufumi Aoyama
Waste Management Facility Group, Environmental Engineering Division, Kajima Corporation
i3-7-1 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 163-1029 Japanj

A working group that examines the various technologies, the quality, and the distribution of recycled products was established at the Recycling System Technology Sectional Meeting in 2002. In its first year, the group examined four specific items, all of which have low recycling rates: plastic waste, molten slag, construction wood waste, and contaminated soil. We researched the recycling situation and the problems involved for all of these. This year, however, the subject of the group's research was narrowed down to the recycling situation and technologies for plastic containers, which is one of the items in the Container and Packaging Recycling Law. This paper is a mid-term report on the research results.

Key words: plastic waste, Plastic containers in the Container and Packaging Recycling Law, molten slag, construction wood waste, contaminated soil