
Analysis of Geographic Attributes and Probabilities Related to Illegal Dumping

Tomohiro Tasaki*, Yasuhiro Matsui*, Takatsune Kawahata*, Masahiro Osako*, Susumu Takagishi** and Akihiro Morita**
* Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management, National Institute for Environmental Studies
** PASCO Co.
ő Correspondence should be addressed to Tomohiro Tasaki:
Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management,
National Institute for Environmental Studies
i16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japanj

In order to support effective patrolling for illegal dumping, we analyzed possible related geographic attributes and their probabilities of illegal dumping using Geographic Information SystemiGISjdata. We collected data on 608 illegal dumping sites at the regional level in units of municipality, as well as data on 421 sites at the site level in units of 25-m mesh. We then calculated the relative probabilities of illegal dumping for 31 geographic attributes which may affect illegal dumping, and hence clarified which sites are likely to be frequently used for illegal dumping. Finally, from among the geographic attributes we identified the main ones which would be related to illegal dumping, based on the results of correlation analysis, factor analysis, and explanatory adequacy. There were seven main geographic attributes: population density, income per capita, unemployment rate, topographic features, distance from roads, distance from main roads, and depth from forest edge.

Key words: illegal dumping, patrol planning, probability of illegal dumping, geographic attribute, GIS data