【Special Issues: Current Status of R&D Technologies for Waste Biomass Utilization】
Current Status of Biogas Plants in Hokkaido
Juzo Matsuda
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
(Kita 9 Nishi 9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-8589 Japan)

At present, there are about 30 biogas plants operating on dairy farms throughout Hokkaido. Although their initial purpose was for manure treatment, energy production has become an important additional motivation for the building of biogas plants. Some minor problems exist with biogas systems, including desulfurization and low production at the onset of operation. With regard to extending the usage area throughout Japan, however, some major problems, such as utilization of biogas and digested slurry, still exist.
Assuming that the following conditions(such as legal policies)are put into place, the spread of biogas plants to farms all around Japan can be expected.
1.Legislative incentives for depollution caused by livestock waste.
2.Legislative incentives for buying electricity from regenerative energy sources.
3.Legislative incentives for management of organic waste.
4.Legislative incentives for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Key words: biogas plant, CO2 emission, depollution, digested slurry