Degradation of Biodegradable Plastics in Incineration Ash
Makiko Doi*, Kazuhiko Fukatsu* and Masataka Hanashima**
* Faculty of Environmental & Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
** Fukuoka Research Center for Recycling Systems
† Correspondence should be addressed to Makiko Doi:
Faculty of Environmental & Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
(3-1-100 Tsukide, Kumamoto City, 862-8502 Japan)

In order to study the degradation of biodegradable plastics, 8×2.5cm2 samples of five kinds of plastic sheets(PBSA, PLA, PHB/V, PCL, PBS)were buried with two types of mixed solid waste
(A: Incineration ash+crushed waste, B: A+compost). Samples of each kind of solid waste were kept in 350mL pots at 25 and 37℃. The degradation rate was measured by the reduction in area and the plastic was examined using SEM. We made six findings.(1)Two types of degradation processes were observed: hole expansion aided by bacteria and crack formation caused by alkalis in the incineration ash.(2)Hole-expansion type degradation was promoted by increasing the temperature from 25 to 37℃ or by adding compost to the ash.(3)The degradation rate of the biodegradable plastics in ash with a low organic content was similar to that in normal soil.(4)Degradability could be ranked from high to low as PBSA>PHB/V>PCL>PBS>PLA.(5)When microorganisms did not affect the biodegradable plastics, alkalis produced cracks in the plastics.(6)PBSA and PCL probably increase microbial activity in mixed solid waste.

Key words: biodegradable plastics, degradability, landfill, incineration ash, microorganisms