ySpecial Issues:Ecodesignz
Recycling and Eco-Design of Household Electric Appliances
Kiyoshi Ueno
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
i2-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, 100-8301 Japanj

With the adoption of the Home Electric Appliances Recycling Law, Japan is experiencing pioneering breakthroughs in the field of DFE. Product assessment of home electric appliance industries reflects the experience gained at recycling plants rather than mere desktop theories. A review of conventional manufacturing techniques has been started in order to forecast production trends. Plastics which have been consistently collected from discarded home electric appliances are being used again in newly manufactured home appliances, giving birth to the gself-circulation systemh of material recycling. Although the promotion of these environmentally designed second generation products has been even greater due to environmental information disclosure, there is always a trade off made with these kinds of environmental products. The present technical state of the arts makes the recycling of some materials difficult and very often substitutes for environmentally sound materials are being implemented. Scientific risk evaluation for these materials has therefore become increasingly important for DFE engineers.

Key words: Home Electric Appliances Recycling Law, DFE, design for environment, product assessment, recycled plastic, risk evaluation and management