Effects of Separate Collection Policies for Recyclable Items on Citizens' Participation
Yasuhiro Matsui*, Masahiro Ohsako** and Masaru Tanaka*
* Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
** Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management, National Institute for Environmental Studies
õ Correspondence should be addressed to Yasuhiro Matsui:
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
i3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Okayama-city, Okayama, 700-8530 Japanj

This study was intended to predict effects on citizens' participation rates in recycling programs according to administrative actions such as promoting environmental consciousness, providing information, and changing of collection service.
Questionnaires designed to measure factors that are relevant to recycling behavior were sent to residents of Itabashi Ward, Tokyo. The authors developed logistic regression models for predicting recycling behaviors of: gCurbside Collection of Cans and Bottlesh, gDrop-off Collection of Paper Packagesh, and gDrop-off Collection of PET Bottlesh. We selected predictors for recycling behaviors on three collection programs as: gPerception of Informationh, gEvaluation of Troubleh, and gPerception of Coping Efficacyh.
The authors also conducted sensitivity analyses of the developed models. Participation rates were calculated for three conditions: gMaximization of Perception of Informationh, gMinimization of Evaluation of Troubleh, and gMaximization of Perception of Coping Efficacyh. Results suggested that gMaximization of Perception of Informationh had the greatest effect, followed by gMinimization of Evaluation of Troubleh, and gMaximization of Perception of Coping Efficacyh.
In addition, the authors suggested policy prescriptions for improving citizens' participation rates through analyses of the current status of citizens' utilization of PR media of the municipality and through analyses of the relationships between gEvaluation of Troubleh and relevant factors.

Key words: municipal solid waste, recycling behavior, citizens' participation, predictive model, policy evaluation