Trends of MSW-Ash Melting Technology in Japan
Hideaki Fujiyoshi
Japan Environmental Sanitation Center
(11-15 Uemachi, Yotsuya, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa, 210-0828 Japan)

Japan has been and continues to conduct systematic programs regarding municipal solid waste(MSW)treatment by pursuing improved incineration systems and promoting melting processes for residues in order to conserve scant landfill spaces, while also working to control the emission of dioxins. While continuing to promote the 3Rs of waste(Reduction, Reuse, Recycle)within society, the final depository and immobilization of any hazardous waste must be dealt with safely, such as through thermal treatment and heat recovery processes. For any comprehensive evaluation of the performance of high-temperature thermal treating processes, such as ash-melting, the process of reaching a final decision is always controversial. This is due to the fact that all viewpoints regarding economic advantages and disadvantages must be taken into careful consideration. This paper surveys all aspects of domestic ash-melting processes, and outlines the tasks to be taken up in achieving a comprehensive strategy for MSW management.

Key words: municipal solid waste, ash-melting processes, gasification and melting processes, comprehensive strategy for MSW management