Design and Assessment of an Environmentally-friendly General-purpose Pump
Hiroshi Onoda*, Katsuya Nagata*, Makoto Nohtomi**, Yuji Nagai***, Tsutomu Takada**** and Yukimasa Nakatsukasa*****
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
** Environmental Research Institute, Waseda University
*** Graduate School of Information and Telecommunications Studies,
Waseda University
**** Ebara Fan Engineering CO., LTD
***** Ebara CO., LTD
õ Correspondence should be addressed to Hiroshi Onoda:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
i3-4-1 Ookubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8555 Japanj

Consideration of 3RiReduce, Reuse, Recyclejis strongly required for industrial products' design. General-purpose pumps' design makes them difficult to disassemble and classify into single material. Their value-adding functions continue to improve through increased quality, reduced costs, unification of multiple functions, adoption of bond connection methods, built-in compression, and so on. Such features make disassembly difficult.
We developed and manufactured an environmentally friendly general-purpose pump to improve the problems cited above. We specifically improved the disassembly property of the motor, which includes useful, resource-rich parts, and introduction of the concept of gUp-Gradingh products, which can realize up-grading of its structure during the use stage. Our assessment method shows that this pump has a 36“ lower environmental load than the former product.

Key words: 3R, environmentally-friendly, general-purpose pump, disassembly property, environmental load assessment