Vol.3 No.3 July 1992


Investigation on Characterestics of Devices for Aerobic Fermentation and Drying Process of Organic Wastes in Packed Bed
----Hiroshi Shimizu, Xingwu Wu and Ikuo Biwasaka 41abst

Characterization of Mutagens in Leachate from a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill as Determined by the Ames Salmonella Assay
----Sumiko Koikawa-Mutoh, Takashi Someya, Ayako Tachifuji, Yasushi Matsufuji and MaSataka Hanashima 51 abst


A Fundamental Study on Softening of High Level Concentration of Calcium by Crystallization in a Fluidized-bed Process
----Hiroyuki Harada, Hideo Furuta, Izumi Hirasawa and Shigeki Nakajima 61abst