Vol.4 No.4 October 1993


Moisture Flow and Conservative Matter Transport in a Solid Waste Layer
----Namhoon Lee, Tetsuya Kusuda, Takayuki Shimaoka and Masataka Hanashima 123abst

Development of a Waste Capsule Transportation System
----Fusanobu Mizogami, Akira Naito, Michihiro Maeda, Osamu Kamiya and Takeshi Yamanae 133abst

An Experimental Investigation on the Incineration of Waste Containing Volatile Organic Chlorinated Compound-The Case of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and Carbon Tetrachloride
-----Shin-ichi Sakai, Haruki Shimazu and Hiroshi Takatsuki 142abst

Study on Re-refining Methods for Waste Lubricating Oils
----Shunichiro Takaoka 152abst