Vol.13 No.3 May, 2002



"Consensus Building" in Birds
----Toshitaka Hidaka 125

Special Issues: Public Agreement and Public Involvement

Public Agreement and Public Involvement for Waste Management Planning
----Tomio Takahashi and Toru Furuichi 128 abst

Issues Facing the Formation of Mutual Consent as it Relates to Citizens
----Keiko Nakamura 138 abst

Environmental Impact Assessment and Consensus Building
----Sachihiko Harashina 151 abst

How Nagoya Citizens Reduced Waste--Conflicts, Cooperative Efforts, Renewed Conflicts, and Consideration of New Cooperative Efforts--
----Masashi Kato 161 abst

The Role of the Consultant in the Consensus-Building Process
----Kouhei Yamamoto 168 abst