Vol.13 No.4 July, 2002



Promotion of the Research for Realizing Material Cycles Oriented Society
----Yasutaka Hamada 181

Special Issues: End-of-Life Vehicles

Outline of Automobile Recycling Law
----Tsutomu Sakagawa 183 abst

The Establishment and Problems of Automobile Recycling Act
----Tadashi Otsuka 193 abst

Our Approaches to Automobile Recycling and Future Tasks
----Kiyoshi Masuda 200 abst

Automobile Recycling in Germany
----Atsushi Terazono 210 abst


An Analysis of the Waste Management System in South Korea
--Focusing on the National Comprehensive Waste Management Plan--
----Jung-Han Park, Mikio Kasahara Susumu Tohno and Yoshimi Iwabuchi 221 abst