- 一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会 - https://jsmcwm.or.jp -

インドにおける廃棄物管理に関する国際会議(8th IconSWM 2018)開催案内


本年は、“Waste Management as Economic Industry towards Circular Economy”を主要課題に据え、ほぼ毎年世界各国30か国以上から500名以上の参加者を集めた国際会議を重ね、実質的にインドの物質循環・廃棄物研究の中核としての有力な団体として認知されています。

JSMCWMが主催した4th 3RINCs 2017 in New Delhiで実感したことですが、インドや南アジアでの環境問題や廃棄物問題には多くの重要なテーマがあり、継続的な研究の取り組みが必要です。またJSMCWMや3RINCsは、UNCRDや日本の環境省が主催するアジア太平洋廃棄物3R地域フォーラム(R3RF)と強い協調関係をもって活動してきているところです。インドや南アジアでの廃棄物管理や循環型社会形成に関係する研究開発に関心のある学会員や関係の皆さんにとっては、いい情報やいい関係構築のプラットホームを提供できることと思いますので、奮ってご参加ください。

(一社)廃棄物資源循環学会 国際委員会

日 時


場 所

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Vijayawada , Andhra Pradesh, India

共 催

Jadvpur University、Centre for Quality Management System(CQMS)、Kolkata

The Energy & Resources Institute(TERI)、New Delhi、

Korean Society of Waste Management (KSWM), (一社)廃棄物資源循環学(JSMCWM)等


こちらのPDF [1]を参照



Address:Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, India

URL:https://easychair.org/cfp/8th-IconSWM2018 [2]



8th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management

This international conference started in India in 2009, and it marks its 8th anniversary this year. Every year the conference has brought together more than 500 experts and researchers from over 30 countries around the world. It is now widely acknowledged as a core platform of material cycles and waste management research in India. This year’s conference concentrates on the theme of “Waste Management as Economic Industry towards Circular Economy”. JSMCWM hosted 4th 3RINCs in New Delhi in 2017 and recognized that India and many countries in South Asia still have many things to do to solve environmental issues and waste problems. JSMCWM and 3RINCs have been collaborating with UNCRD and Regional 3R Forum in Asia-Pacific (R3RF). The conference will provide data, tools, and networking opportunities to those interested in waste management and techniques for establishing a material cycle society in India and other countries in South Asia. We encourage you to take this opportunity to join 8th IconSWM.


November 22- 24, 2018


Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Guntur, Vijayawada , Andhra Pradesh, India


Jadvpur University, Centre for Quality Management System(CQMS), Kolkata

The Energy & Resources Institute(TERI), New Delhi, Korean Society of Waste

Management (KSWM), Japan Society of material cycles & Waste

Managemen(JSMCWM), etc.

Instruction for the conference

Download PDF [1]
Abstract submission deadline: Aug.18, 2018



Address:Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, India

URL:https://easychair.org/cfp/8th-IconSWM2018 [2]