Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management アクセス English
国際シンポジウム事前参加申込/Advanced Registration for International Symposium

国際シンポジウム事前参加申込/Advanced Registration for International Symposium

    Please enter your name, affiliation, and e-mail address, and click the submit button.

    The reply mail will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you entered in the form.

    大会Webサイト担当実行委員・広島市立大学 香田(kohda●hiroshima-cu.ac.jp ← ●を@に変えて送信ください。)までその旨ご連絡願います。
    If you do not receive the reply mail, please contact to Jiro Kohda(kohda●hiroshima-cu.ac.jp ← Please change ● to @.)of the 32nd JSMCWM Organizing Committee.

    Personal information will be used only for sending the information on international symposium to the participants, and will be deleted after a certain period of time.
