Vol.7 No.2 March, 1996
Past and Present Problems of Solid Waste Disposal----Takeshi Goda 95

Special lssues: The 6th Annual Conference of JSWME
Overviews----Nobutoshi Tanaka and yuzo Ogawa 98
Special Lecture: Can We Waste a City?----Hisatake Kato 101 abst
Symposium: Waste Management in the Case of Disaster----Yasuhiko Kobayashi 110
Reports of Each Session---- 115
Reports of Each Program---- 139
Reports of Mini Symposia---- 144

Pollutant Behaviour in the Reclamation Site of Municipal Solid Wastes--Phenomena, Fundamentals, and Behaviours of Inorganic Pollutants------Yutaka Terashima 148 abst

Research Report
Reconsideration of the Relationship Between Citizens and Waste----Kenji Nakatani 168 abst
A Case Study of Accidents in Waste Treatment----Masahide Wakakura, Yasushi Oka, Yoichi Uehara and Kougaku Komamiya 178