Vol.13 No.2 March, 2002



A Consideration for Waste Plastic
----Osami Nakasugi 79

Special Issues: Chemical Recycling of Municipal Waste Plastics

Implementation of the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law
----Hirokaz Doi 81 abst

Monomer Recycling Methods of PET Bottles
----Akira Oku 91 abst

Liquefaction of General Plastic Waste
----Yoshiki Sato, Kiyoshi Saito and Hideaki Tachibana 99 abst

Feedstock Recycling Technologies for Municipal Plastic Waste in Japan
----Masataka Nifuku 107 abst

Development of Technological Information Infrastructure for the Plastics Recycling System
----Yuji Naka and Takashi Kagiyama 113 abst