Vol.15 No.4 July, 2004



Past, Present and Future Changes at Dedicated Landfill Site
……Masataka Hanashima 165

Special Issues: Recycling and Resourse Recovery of Inorganic Solid Wastes
Foreword……Hideaki Itoh 167
Resource Recovery of Valuable and Hazardous Metals from Ceramic Scraps……Ryo Sasai and Hideaki Itoh 168 abst
Preparation of Glass-ceramics from Inorganic Wastes and their Properties……Kiyoshi Okada 175 abst
Hydrothermal Dynamics and Waste Treatment――Recycling and Recovery of Inorganic Materials based on Earth Principle――……Nakamichi Yamasaki 182 abst
Resource Recovery of Inorganic Waste――Conversion into Environmental Purification Materials――……Michihiro Miyake and Motohide Matsuda 189 abst
Hydrothermally Solidified Functional Materials from Inorganic Wastes……Norifumi Isu and Hideki Ishida 196 abst
Chemical Conversion of Inorganic Waste Coal Ash into Artificial Zeolite and its Recycling as a Material for Life Environment
……Teruo Henmi 203 abst

Report on the 2003 Fall Meeting of Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology(WTERT)Council in New York City
……Masato Nakamura 213 abst