Vol.6 No.2 March, 1995
Some Comments from the Experience of Faking Part in Municipal Waste Management----Fujio Oikawa 81

Special Issues: The 5th Annual Conference of JSWME
Overviews----Nobutoshi Tanaka and Hidenori Iwahana 83

Symposium:Does LCA Contribute to Solve the Waste Problems?---- 85

Methods and Possibility of LCA----Ken Morishita 85abst

What can Waste Management Research do for LCA?----Itaru Yasui 91 abst

Product Assessment of Package Materials/Vessels for Food Production----Yukihiro Sano 95 abst

LCA:Does it Contribute to the Solution of Industrial Waste Problems?--Present Situation of and Problems Concerning LCA and Product Assessment------Tetsuro Fukushima 101 abst

LCA and PA-How are They Different and What are Their Issues?----Sukehiro Gotoh 106 abst

Reports of Each Session---- 110

Reports of Each Program---- 128

Reports of Mini Symposia---- 134

Safety Management in Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Facilities----Yoshiro Nabeshima 139 abst

Soil Biological Studies on the Assessments of the Waste Landfill Sites----Sadayoshi Matsumoto 153 abst

Thinking about User-Charge System and its Effects----Takashi Gunjima 162