Vol.11 No.6 November, 2000



Our Step Toward Next Ten Years, Aiming for Integration and Generalization of Knowledge, Wisdom and Experience in Solid Waste Resources Management----Nobutoshi Tanaka 391

Special Issues: Physical, Chemical and Biological Testing Methods for Integrated Waste Management

-Activity of Research and Development Committee(Waste examination and evaluation methods Group)-

Introduction of the Special Issue -Activity and Evolvement of Waste Examination and Evaluation Methods Group-----Kiyoshi Kawamura 393

Current Status and Prospect for the Future on Testing Methods for Integrated Waste Management----Masahiro Osako, Yusaku Ono, Noboru Tanikawa and Masato Yamada 396 abst

A Proposal to the Testing Method for Physical Composition of Waste----Noboru Tanikawa 405 abst

Proximate Analysis, Heat Measurement and Elemental Analysis of Waste----Nobuhisa Watanabe 411 abst

Testing Methods and the Meaning of the Results in Chemical Characterization of Wastes----Akiko Kida 417 abst


Technology and Policy Making for Solid Waste Management in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) --From the viewpoint of technology history------Mitsuo Inamura 427 abst

Abstract of Scientific Research Project '99 Subsidized by JSWME----Research and Development Committee 436