- 一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会 - https://jsmcwm.or.jp -



■日時:2013年2月26日(火)・27日(水)  一般発表

28日(木)  研究成果発表会

■会場:中央大学駿河台記念館 [1]




(一財)日本環境衛生センター 総局企画部企画国際室

■募集要項(12th_SWAPI_Call_for_Abstarcts [2]

■要旨作成例(Abstract_model [3]

■要旨作成ガイドライン(Instruction [4]

詳細は事務局HP(http://www.jesc.or.jp/en/12th_swapi.html [5])まで。


Call for abstract on the 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Island (SWAPI)
12th SWAPI will be held as follows.

We hope you to interest and to participate it.
■Date:26-27 Feb. 2013

■Venue:Surugadai Memorial Hall of Chuo University, Tokyo [6]

(3-11-5 Kandasurugadai,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8324, Japan)

■Deadline of abstract submission: 19 Nov. 2012 Abstract will be sent to kokusai(a)jesc.or.jp ((a)→@)
■Call for abstracts(12th_SWAPI_Call_for_Abstarcts [7]

■Abstract model(Abstract_model [8]

■Instruction to authors(Instruction [9]

Please also check the HP on 12thSWAPI http://www.jesc.or.jp/en/12th_swapi.html [5]