Vol.12 No.5 September, 2001



The Earth from the Cosmic Eyes and the Citizens' Eyes
----Shoji Sano 271

Special Issues: Legal Systems for Recycling

Introduction of the Special Issue
----Kazuhiro Ueta 273


Legal Systems Promoting Towards a Closed Loop Material Cycle Society
----Takahiro Eguchi, Eiji Hosoda, Kazuki Kumamoto and Ikuko Haga 274 abst

Outline of the Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-based Society
----Takahiro Eguchi 281 abst

The Consequences and the Issues of the Basic Act for Establishing Recycling-based Society
----Otsuka Tadashi 286 abst

Toward Legislation of Proper Waste Treatment and Recycling of ELV--The Present Circumstances and the Future Perspective of ELV Recycling--
----Eiji Hosoda 292 abst

The Problems of "The Home Electric Appliances Law" & "The Containers and Packaging Law" and the Subject of Recycling Laws
----Kazuki Kumamoto 303 abst

Recycling Laws from the Viewpoint of Citizens
----Ikuko Haga 309 abst


Determination of Model Wastewater Contents Discharged from Domestic Disposer
----Yoshinori Takezaki, Yasutoshi Shimizu, Yuhei Inamori and Toshihiro Sankai 312 abst