Vol.2 No.2 April, 1991
Three Proposals Concerning Waste and Recycling Problems----Katsumi Yorimoto 95

Special lssues: Recycling and Resource Recovery -from the Standpoint of Economics
Waste Management Problem and Resource Recycling Policy; Some Remarks and A Survey----Yasoi Yasuda 99 abst
Withdrawal of Empty Cans----Nobuharu Hirota 105 abst
The Age of Recycling Activities as a Culture----Shin-ichi Koizumi 108 abst
Collecting waste which is separated according to material as the duty of local governrnent----Hidehiko Inoue 116 abst
On the Economics of Recycling----Takashi Gunjima 124 abst

Effective Application of Waste Products in Biological Production System----Hiroyuki Horitsu 131 abst

Living Lightly for the Environment----Hiroshi Takatsuki 143abst

Research Report
Residential Solid Waste Generation and Recycling in the U. S. A. and Japan----Toshihiko Matsuto, Robert K.HAM 149 abst

Conference Reports
Report of"Asia and Pacific Regional Workshop on Hazardous Waste Minimization and Reduction"----Yasuyuki Hata 158abst
Study Tour Report of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts----Masaru Tanaka 165abst