Vol.2 No.4 0ctober, 1991
Demand on the Recycling-Friendly Product Design----Katsuya Nagata 293
Special lssues: Flue Gas Purification for MSW lncinerations
The Special Issue on the Flue Gas Purification for MSW Incinerators----Katsuya Nagata 295 abst
Situation and Problems of Flue Gas Treatment Facilities of MSW Incinerators----Tadahiko Ogawa 298 abst
Trend of Emission Gas Regulations of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants in Foreign Countries----Yoshiro Nabeshima 306 abst
Removal Technologie for Noxious Gases Controlled by Regulations----Shigeharu Matsuura, Takehiko Inada 318 abst
Trend of Measure for Non-regulated Flue Gas Components----Nobuo Takeda 331 abst

Waste Treatment Technology Expected to be Developed and Promoted before 21th Century----Naomichi Hirayama 340 abst

Technical Report
Countermeasures for Dioxin Problems Associated with MSW Incineration----Masaru Tanaka 346 abst