Vol.5 No.3 July, 1994
Current Problems on the Solid Waste Management----Katsumi Yamamura 185

Special Issues: Trend of Hazardous Waste Management in Japan
Control of Environmental Risk Related to Hazardous Wastes----Masaru Tanaka 188 abst
Revision of Wastes Disposal Standards in Japan----Osami Nakasugi 197 abst
Trends in Countermeasures Against Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste----Satoru Morishita 210 abst
Present Outlook on the Amendments to the London Convention 1972 and Its Annexes----Kazumi Kishibe 220 abst
Management of PCBs Waste----Hiroki Hashizume 233 abst

Composting----Kenji Fujita 243 abst

Reserch Report
The Current Situation Concerning Solid Wastes and Their Recycling in the Food Industries----Akikuni Ushikubo, Seishi Kawasaki, Hidehiko Urushibara and Akira Ebata 255abst

Isn't the Definition of User-Charge (YURYO-KA) Really Confused?----Toshihiko Matsuto and Nobutoshi Tanaka 260