
Movie of Symposium

Presentation materials

Presentation materials for the six presentations are now posted. They are available for download.

1. Recycling of Organic Resource using Information Technology in Japan: Current Status and Challenges

Presenter : Prof. Tohru KAMO , Waseda University

2. Promotion of DX on waste management and recycling through public-private partnerships

Presenter : Dr. Minoru FUJII, National Institute for Environmental Studies

3. Circular Economy with Digital Technology and Data

Presenter : Mr. Dongmin SHIN, SK ecoplant Co. ltd. , Korea

4. Hydrogen Production from Organic Waste Using Reforming Reaction

Presenter : Prof. Dae-Woon JEONG, Changwon National University, Korea

5. Reshaping Global Policies for Circular Economy

Presenter : Prof. Xianlai ZENG, Tsinghua University, China

6. Bigdata for Managing Municipal Solid Waste

Presenter : Mr. Chum BOREY, LUMA SYSTEM CO., LTD. Cambodia