Vol.4 No.1 January, 1993
Let's Create A Peninsula with Solid Wastes----Kenji Fujita 1

Special Issues: Waste Landfill and Environment Preservation
Recent Trend and Technical Problems on Final Disposal Site----Masataka Hanashima 3 abst
Risk Management of Environmental Contamination by Unregulated Chemical Substances Discharged from Waste Landfill Sites----OSami Nakasugi 10 abst
The Disposal Problems of Waste Generated in Large Amounts Current Conditions and Problems related to Disposal of Construction Waste and Construction Soil----Shunsuke Aoyama 17 abst
Present Condition and Trends of Sea Area Final Disposal Sites----Yasuo Nemoto 23 abst
Monitoring System for Managing the Landfill Disposal Site----Tohru Furuichi 29 abst
Fly Control Strategy at Waste Disposal Sites----Chobei Imai 35 abst
Quantity and Quality Issues on Landfill Leachate and the Function of Semi-Aerobic Landfill----Nobutoshi Tanaka 41 abst
Post-Closure Control of Landfill Sites and Prevention of Environmental Pollution----Masaaki Kinoshita 47 abst
Proposal of the Eco-System Management on Sanitary Landfill----Toshikazu Fujiwara 55 abst
Odor Problem in Final Disposal Site----Masahiro Ohsaka 61 abst

Enforcement of the Amended Waste Disposal Law and Other New Laws----Masahiro Fujiwara 68 abst

Technical Report
The Influence on COD(Mn) by Inorganic Nitrogen in the Night Soil Treatment----Nobuyuki Hayashi 84 abst