Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management アクセス English
日本LCA学会主催「Ecobalance 2014(第11回エコバランス国際会議)」のご案内

日本LCA学会主催「Ecobalance 2014(第11回エコバランス国際会議)」のご案内

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to welcome each of you to EcoBalance 2014 in Tsukuba, Japan, from 27 to 30 October 2014.

EcoBalance 2014 is the 11th International Conference on EcoBalance. Held biennially since 1994, EcoBalance is one of the longest established international conferences discussing methodologies and practices for sustainability based on life-cycle thinking. In commemoration of the twenty-year history of EcoBalance conferences, we are organizing a particular session in addition to regular keynote lectures and sessions concerning the prospect of further promoting life-cycle thinking in the next twenty years. We hope and believe that EcoBalance 2014 will be a fruitful opportunity for you to present your research results, network with a wide range of participants, and accomplish our aim of “Creating Benefit through Life Cycle Thinking.”

We look forward to seeing you (again) in Tsukuba, the birthplace of EcoBalance.


日 時:2014年10月27日(月)~30日(木)

場 所:つくば国際会議場 エポカルつくば (〒305-0032 茨城県つくば市竹園2-20-3)

主 催:日本LCA学会

協 賛:一般社団法人廃棄物資源循環学会他

問合先:〒105-0003 東京都港区西新橋1-5-10 新橋アマノビル6階 社団法人未踏科学技術協会内


TEL: 03-3503-4681  FAX: 03-3597-0535

詳細についてはこちらをご覧ください→ http://ilcaj.sntt.or.jp/EcoBalance2014/index.html
